понедельник, 19 декабря 2022 г.


EliKuka: Oleg Eliseev (1985) and Evgeny Kukoverov (1984)

The EliKuka group emerged in the art scene in 2007. The members of EliKuka have completed a number of personal projects in Moscow, Paris and Vienna, and they have participated in group exhibitions both in Russia and abroad.

EliKuka violates the conventional rules of displaying works of art and explores various forms of absurdity and insolence within the artistic environment.

The group has collaborated with artists such as Georgy Litichevsky, Valery Chtak, Kolbein Hugi (Iceland), RatRights (Austria), art-group Gelitin (Austria) and others. They are also members of the Moscow punk band I.H.N.A.B.T.B., international musical-artistic formation ANUSRIOT and music group Jenya Kukoverov. The winner of Soratnic Prize in 2012.

In September 2022, EliKuka left Russia due to military mobilization and their anti-war stance. 
They are now based in Paris, where they continue to create art and performance practices while collaborating with other artists. 
Since 2022, they have been members of Traumpunkt, an international improvisation formation.

2024 – Football migratoire, L’atelier des artistes en exil, Paris
2024 – Visa Talent, Atelier de Olga Kisseleva, Paris
2024 – Les caniches de l’apocalypse. With Ivan Volkov, chez Sego, Paris
2023-24 – Le festin des insectes au jardin des plaisirs. With Georgy Litichevsky, chez Paquita, Paris
2023 – LOSS, Galerie Stanislas Bourgain, Paris
2021-22 - The Power of Art. Overdue Anniversary, Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow
2019 - Venuses in Furs, SYNTAX gallery, Moscow
2018 - Sofa walking is strictly allowed, VolgaFest, Samara

2017 - Unforgettable Night at Simon's apartment, House of Embankment, Moscow
2015 - 100 Kisses of Crocodile, 100 personal exhibitions, One work gallery, Vienna

group shows (selected):
2024 - Le Doc en Scène, Espace Albatros, Montreuil 
2023 - Rituels, POUSH, Aubervilliers
2023 - Gelitin performance with Elikuka, Jeanne Susin, Vlita Myasik, Oleg Ossina, Kyle Keese and Thomas Buswell, Beaux-Arts de Paris
2023 - Kunstausstellung Fabelhafte Wartenburg, Kulturkiosk, Wartenburg, Germany
2021 - Uroboros, JART Gallery, Moscow
2020 - Cultural Baggage, Syntax booth, Cosmoscow
2020 - Generation XXI, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
2019 - Stinking Dawn, Gelitin team participants, Kunsthalle Wien
2018 - 18 +/- Voluntary Self-Control, Museum of Moscow
2017 - Anonymous men, Fabrika CCI, Moscow
2017 - RECYCLING LANDSCAPE, Tretyakov Gallery at Krymsky Val, Moscow
2017 – Journey to the center of the Earth, ART-PLAY, Moscow
2017 – Tyr sh uk yc zzhi ph, Ermilov Center, Kharkov, Ukraine
2014 – Not a Museum, Laboratory of Aesthetic Suspiсions. St. Petersburg (part of parallel program of Manifesta 10)

четверг, 1 декабря 2022 г.


 17-30 november 2022 - 'OUIZTITI', Galerie Odile Ouizeman, Paris

'Skeletons for air currents' is kinetic structures or mobiles which get into motion with the help of internal ventilation system, breathing and movement of the audience, blowing of the wind, sound waves. Complex structures will be created out of items found in the city or bought in the nearest supermarket or donated by new acquaintances. There is a delicate balance between the items. The kinetic installation can resemble an explosion filmed in slow motion or a set of objects floating freely in space.

The fragile balance of the whole world disturbed by the war, broken ties between the peoples and the countries as well as impossibility of communication will be depicted in the installation where the system of counterweights and struts tries to refill the world with a harmonizing sense. Will the world be given another chance to reconnect people? Is there a place for love and mutual assistance in a situation of total alienation and hatred?

Mobiles in motion:
Skeletons sketches:
Performance (together with Yves Bartlett & Mitya Vlasik):

вторник, 27 февраля 2018 г.

The West Attaches To The East, Or The Tail Attaches To The Sofa

2017 - The West Attaches To The East, Or The Tail Attaches To The Sofa, ZARYA CCA, Vladivostok

Bouquets and Plastic Bags

2017 – Bouquets and Plastic Bags, Vladey space, Moscow

пятница, 7 апреля 2017 г.

Rough Route

2016 – 17 – Rough Route, Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow